Monday, December 21, 2009


The tourism industry has so successfully marketed Thailand for its tolerance
That many travelers mistakenly think that the Thai take a generally laissez
-faire attitude. This is simply no the case. Don’t ever speak disparagingly of the Marnarchy,and avoid dropping,defacing,or stepping on currency or stamps, which carry the king'portrait.When near a portrait of King Bhumibol or any past Thai King, never raise you head above the head in the portriat.Be especially careful in restaurants and public buses, often plastered with royal portrait. In short, don’t mess with the man whose name means” strength of the land, Incomparable Power.” The Thai speak in a special language of higher respect when referring to the Monarchy.

Always remove your shoes when entering a home or temple, even though your Thai hosts may assure you it's okay to keep them on.Thais appreciate foreigners who make an effort to follow customs. Clothing should be modest:
Both men and women should wear long sleeves and long pants or skirts,
especially when visiting a WAT.Women should never touch a monk or give him
anything directly, as this will violate an important part of his vows.
Similarly, public displays of affection between lovers are frowned upon.
Affectionate same-sex caresses or hugs are commonplace and rarely have sexual overtones. Despite its tolerance of different cultures, Thailand does
imprison foreigners for actions considered sacrilegious.


To show respect,put palms together at chest level,pointing your fingers away
from you,and gently bow your head.This is a traditional greeting,called a WAI
.The degree to which you should bend your waist while performing a WAI is
determinded by your social status relative to the other person.Older people
receive lower,more respectful WAI.Younger people or those of inferior social
standing WAI first.Inanimate object that should receive a WAI include spirit houses,miniature temples blessed by Brahman priests that house the spiritual guardians of the land on which the house resides.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Head Up

According to an ancient Hindu belief(now incorporated into Buddhism),the head is the most sacred part of the body,and by extension,the feet are the most unclean,A pat on the head in Thailand is neither playful nor cute-
it's simply disrespectful.Similarly,don't point your feet toward an image of the Buddha in a temple or toward another person,epecially if he or the is older. Shoes even more unclean than feet,are unwelcome in temples and most private homes.

Thai Customs And Etiquette.

The Three Spirits

The Thai attitude toward life rests on three major concepts.The first,jai yen,or"cool heart"explains the Thai aversion to any sort of confrontation,
especially in public.Most Thais avoid raising their voices or displaying any visible irritation,instead embracing the ideas of mai pen rai,literally translated s "it can't be helped,so why bother?.This verbal equivalent of a shrug is ideally complemented by the last of the three Thai spirits,sanuk,
which literally means "fun".Thais believe that everthing in life should have a little bit of sanuk, or else everything degenerates into mere drudgery,Join in the national water fight during Songkran in April

for a healthy helping of Sanuk..

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Famous Diamonds

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Around the world there are many diamonds that have been talked about or written about in various stories and official documents. Famous diamonds are part of our world's history, and have been found in various parts of the world, by all types of people. From royalty to the gods, famous diamonds are often as well known as the people who owned them.

For centuries diamonds, famous diamonds or otherwise, were used in the armor of warriors and the crowns of our kings and queens as a symbol of fearlessness.

The Mountain of Light

One of the few oval shaped famous diamonds, the “mountain of light” was first mentioned in the year 1304. It weighed an astounding 186 carats, and it is said that the diamond was set in the peacock throne of Shah Jehan as an eye of one of the peacock's.

During Queen Victoria's reign, the famous diamonds shape was altered a bit and it was recut to weigh 108.93 carats. The diamond is currently one of the British Crown Jewels.

The Orloff

When the Orloff diamond was found, it was said that it weighed around 300 carats. This gemstone of the famous diamonds is held at the Diamond Treasury of the former Soviet Union located in Moscow.

A story about the Orloff claims that the diamond was actually placed in the eye of a god, in the temple of Sri Rangen, which is how it became known as one of the world's famous diamonds.

The Regent

Before this incredibly large diamond of the famous diamonds was cut it weighed 410 carats! Originally called “The Pitt”, after the English Prime Minister, William Pitt, it was cut into a rounded shape and consisted of more than 140 carats.

In 1717, the diamond was sold to the Duke of Orleans, Regent of France. It was then that the diamond was renamed “The Regent”. When Louis XV had his coronation, the stone was set into his crown.

When the French Revolution ended, “The Regent” was owned by Napoleon Bonaparte, and was placed into the hilt of Bonaparte's sword.

Currently, the diamond is on display for all to enjoy in the Louvre.

The Blue Hope

The most well known of all famous diamonds, the Blue Hope is currently in the Smithsonian Institution located in the state of Washington. It was owned by Louis XIV, and at the time was called “the blue diamond of the crown”.

Sometime during the French Revolution, the Blue Hope diamond was stolen. It was later found in London in the year 1830, where it was later purchased by Henry Philip Hope. The blue hope diamond received it's name from this individual, as well as it's reputation for causing bad luck to those who owned it. While Henry Philip Hope owned the precious blue diamond, each of his family members died in extreme poverty.

Continuing with the bad luck, a later owner of the Blue Hope, Mr. Edward McLean also lost many family members to poverty while he possessed the diamond.

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Diamond – An Inner Look

Astrologically Diamond is the birthstone of April. It is also the gemstone for the 10th and 60th anniversary. Diamond is supposed to strengthen the planet Venus to increase luxury and enjoyment in your life. If you are a Virgo then according to Vedic astrology Diamond is the right gemstone for you. The glittering colour, the four perfect cleavage directions and its endurability has made it the most popular gemstone.

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For the interest of Chemistry student Diamond is nothing but a carbon. It is a polymorph of Carbon just like Graphite. Its chemical formula is “C” and only “C”. It’s a native element and belongs to the sub-class Non-metallic. Diamonds are available in wide variety of colors like Blue, pink, white, yellow. The diamond processing industry values the brown diamond much more, which comes in three varieties called Champagne, Cognac and Coffee.

For the Physics students, its hardness is perfect 10 out of 10 in mohs hardness scale. Diamond is the hardest substance, gifted by nature. Just for the sake of interest, Diamond is four times harder than Sapphire or Ruby. Diamond can scratch any other mineral and the myth, “Diamond can only cut a diamond”, is true. The clarity of Diamond is transparent. The specific Gravity of Diamond is 3.5, which is well above the average. Diamond conducts heat the best. For comparison purpose, its five times better than Silver. At this scenario of this very best, the Melting point of Diamond is 3820 Kelvin and the Lattice density is also the highest. Definitely Diamond is empowered with many excellent properties to become the first choice, but again the myth of its indestructible or eternity has been proved to be a foolish notion.

Diamonds are available all over the world. Mostly it is available in Australia, Arkansas, Africa, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Congo, and Russia etc. A large mine in South Africa has started its operation just five years back.

Diamonds have been used in treatment of mankind for ages. Medical sciences have been able to find its remedial utilities in several accidental and usual disorders due to injuries, fracturing of bones etc. It is supposed to be highly effective in several brain diseases and nervous system disorders. Diamond even helps to control the hormone sequence of the human body.

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Colored Diamonds

Color Treated Diamonds

Many people are starting to favor the fancy, vivid colored diamond gem stones over the traditional transparent, or white, diamond. Some diamonds are found in their natural colors when they are mined, others become colored by gemologists and jewelers during a treatment process. In order to make them more affordable to the average consumer, companies have begun color treating diamonds of lower grades in order to take a less desirable yellow or brownish tinted diamond and make it into a beautiful, brightly colored diamond.
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Colored diamonds can be treated by a process called irradiation, which uses a high heat system to alter the color of a diamond. Other diamonds are treated by painting.

Fancy Colored Diamonds

While many diamonds are inspected and valued based on their colorless qualities, there are people who prefer the fancy colored diamonds that come in vivid hues of greens, yellows, reds, pinks and all the different colors in between.

Some colored diamonds are that way naturally. If a diamond has nitrogen in it, it often has a yellow tint to the stone. If the gemstone has been effected by radiation, the gem may turn green.

Other colored diamonds have been treated to obtain their color, and this allows people with lower budgets to purchase the fancy colored diamonds. Gemologists have found ways to alter the colors of diamonds to get any shade or hue desired.

The grading process for colored diamonds is slightly different than that of the transparent diamond. First, a colored diamond is graded based on the primary hue, the blue or pink or red color that makes up the majority of the diamonds color. Second, they are graded based on the intensity of that color. A very intense, naturally colored diamond is more rare than a less intense diamond, and therefore more expensive. A treated diamond will cost less than a naturally colored diamond in most instances.

Synthetic Diamonds

Most diamonds are found and mined by miners, but more recently, scientists have come up with ways to create synthetic diamonds. While a synthetic diamond is still a “real diamond”, they are created within a laboratory instead of by nature in a mine.

Colored Diamond Names

Because fancy colored diamonds come in so many different shades, it can sometimes be difficult to interpret the name of the diamonds color. Often, you'll find two colors labeling the shade of a diamond, such as greenish blue. Each name has a primary color description, and some have a secondary color description. If a diamond is called “blue diamond”, you can tell it will be a blue shaded diamond gemstone. If the diamond is called “greenish blue”, you may wonder what that means. Is the diamond blue, or is it green? The color that is described with the “ish” at the end is considered the secondary color, and the other color, in this case blue, becomes the primary color. So a greenish blue diamond is mostly blue, with specks of green seen throughout the stone. If you come upon a diamond labeled “brown red”, then the diamond will have equal amounts of both colors seen through the stone.

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