Monday, December 21, 2009


The tourism industry has so successfully marketed Thailand for its tolerance
That many travelers mistakenly think that the Thai take a generally laissez
-faire attitude. This is simply no the case. Don’t ever speak disparagingly of the Marnarchy,and avoid dropping,defacing,or stepping on currency or stamps, which carry the king'portrait.When near a portrait of King Bhumibol or any past Thai King, never raise you head above the head in the portriat.Be especially careful in restaurants and public buses, often plastered with royal portrait. In short, don’t mess with the man whose name means” strength of the land, Incomparable Power.” The Thai speak in a special language of higher respect when referring to the Monarchy.

Always remove your shoes when entering a home or temple, even though your Thai hosts may assure you it's okay to keep them on.Thais appreciate foreigners who make an effort to follow customs. Clothing should be modest:
Both men and women should wear long sleeves and long pants or skirts,
especially when visiting a WAT.Women should never touch a monk or give him
anything directly, as this will violate an important part of his vows.
Similarly, public displays of affection between lovers are frowned upon.
Affectionate same-sex caresses or hugs are commonplace and rarely have sexual overtones. Despite its tolerance of different cultures, Thailand does
imprison foreigners for actions considered sacrilegious.

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